
Ink Self-Portrait

Self-PortraitWeird looking at a drawing of my own face…

I don’t really like doing self-portraits, unless its some kind of illustrated recreation of myself in some other existing fictional world, lol, but those don’t really count.

I like how this one turned out even if I kind of went crazy with the Sepia ink and blotched a few spots. This was my first real big painting with ink, using a bamboo brush. Using the ink as a wash was the hardest part. I kept getting the paper too wet for it to hold anymore ink.

This was a project for class and we had to incorporate one of Van Gogh’s pieces into it. The professor was a little vague onĀ how we were supposed to do that. I wasn’t sure if she meant make it look like it, or use the same technique, or what, but I obviously took Van Gogh’s Seascape at Saint-Maries and made myself a sea monster. She said “do something crazy with it” by making a funny face or making a crazy background, but I didn’t catch that memo until my face was already drawn, so I went the other route. I’m proud of it, but hanging this particular one on the wall just seems egotistical, hahah.